Rock & Roll Dream Adventure

Rated 5 out of 5
December 29, 2020

We are unable to send out the love we have for ECD’s products due to (NO RAITING STARS ABOVE FIVE). So I’m sure my rating of a 5 +++ doesn’t even touch our appreciation for all things ECD..

Avatar for Rob Dean
Rob Dean

Amazing Produxts

Rated 5 out of 5
November 3, 2020

I’ve taken tons of edibles in my time, non of which made me feel healthy afterwards. However, their Better Days Infused Sugar is amazing. I felt it’s effects in just over 10 minutes, no cannabis taste, and was such an enjoyable high, that was clean and refreshing.
We infused our coffee, sprinkled some on a local pastry, then of course used it later in the evening to add in our cocktails. Checking all our boxes!
Anything’s possible now! Can’t wait to try your Bourbon, looks amazing!

Avatar for A new fan!
A new fan!

Wonderful Products!

Rated 5 out of 5
November 3, 2020

Met the Echo Distribution guys over at Weedcon West 2020. Got to try their Buena Vista Whiskey Sour, Better Days Infused Sugar, an a couple of their Buena Vista Premium Rolls! Was not disappointed by one single item! AMAZED at the flavor of the Whiskey and the Sugar, both were easy to consume, tasted wonderful, and I enjoyed being able to consume until I felt my desired high. The rapid onset is truly awesome! Can’t wait to see what you guys put out next 🙂

Avatar for Phil Allen
Phil Allen

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